
Enhance Payment Experiences with Agile Processing

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Anyone who has sold lemonade on a hot day can tell you that being in the right place at the right time matters. This is context-based commerce in its simplest form: giving people what they want, when they want it, and with very little effort needed on their part.

In mobile payments, context means understanding and acting on preferences, external events, entitlements, purchase history, and pertinent cardholder information that is relevant at the exact moment to create personalized and impactful mobile payment opportunities and experiences.

Contextual Payments with Agile Processing

While older payment processing technology is context blind, Agile Processing is context-sensitive. Our human-centered architecture takes into account important characteristics about the individual cardholder and his or her preferences, buying habits, purchasing history, and even external factors like location and flight status information. This three-dimensional perspective of the consumer opens new avenues– and revenue opportunities– for broader and deeper participation in the commerce stream where purchasing opportunities can be seamlessly embedded into everyday activities.

The following video illustrates contextual payments with Agile Processing:

In the video, Dan, our happy shopper, receives a digital coupon offer on his smartphone at the right moment in his shopping journey based on contextual information. Real-time digital commerce is neatly blended into his shopping experience, enabling a natural extension of integrated loyalty and rewards beyond simply mobile payments. Integrated mobile alerts and notifications empower issuers to present timely and relevant offers that can engage customers before, during, or after a purchase.

Context is key to curating personalized purchasing experiences that can drive revenue and loyalty. Acting on a customer’s preferences and location makes for powerful, personalized, and highly relevant and compelling purchasing experiences.

About i2c

i2c is a global provider of highly-configurable payment and banking solutions. Using i2c's proprietary "building block" technology, clients can easily create and manage a comprehensive set of solutions for credit, debit, prepaid, lending and more, quickly and cost-effectively. i2c delivers unparalleled flexibility, agility, security and reliability from a single global SaaS platform. Founded in 2001, and headquartered in Silicon Valley, i2c's next-generation technology supports millions of users in more than 200 countries/territories and across all time zones.